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17th Montréal Process Technical Advisory Committee Meeting

Montevideo, Uruguay
25-28 February 2019

The 17th Montreal Process Technical Advisory Committee meeting was held in Montevideo, Uruguay from the 25th to 28th of February 2019. A total of 19 participants attended the meeting, including a number of new representatives.

17th Montreal Process Technical Advisory Committee meeting attendees. 17th Montreal Process Technical Advisory Committee meeting attendees.

The focus of the meeting was the development of a plan to prepare a new synthesis report on 10 key Montreal Process Indicators to be presented at the 2021 World Forestry Congress in Korea. A plan and possible report outline was developed. Members agreed the report should be ‘audience driven’, and that work on the key messages, themes and intent of the report should be undertaken as a first step.

Country Status

Ideas for 2021 Synthesis Report