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Working Group Meeting Report

18th Montréal Process Working Group Meeting
Buenos Aires, Argentina
November 25-29, 2007

The Montreal Process Working Group on Criteria and Indicators for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests held its 18th meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 25-29, 2007. The Montreal Process includes Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Russian Federation, United States of America, and Uruguay, which together represent 60% of the world's forests.

1. Participation.

Participation.The meeting included 25 participants, including representatives from 11 Montreal Process countries. A list of participants is attached as Annex A.

2. Meeting Opening.

Dr. Tomas Schlichter, Chair of the 18th Montreal Process Working Group meeting, opened the meeting. He introduced dignitaries, Sr. Miguel Pellerano, Subsecretario de Planificacion y Politica Ambiental, Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarollo Sustentable and Dr. Nestor Oliveri, Director del Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, who welcomed the group to Argentina and presented a brief overview of their respective portfolios.

The Chair introduced the tentative agenda, which was adopted by the Working Group. The agenda is attached as Annex B.

Ing. Lucila Grassi, a member of the organization committee of the World Forestry Congress XIII, which will be held in Buenos Aries, October 18-25, 2009, reported on the committee’s progress in preparing for this important event. The Congress is held every 6 years and over 6,000 participants from 150 countries are expected. Montreal Process members were encouraged to attend, and contribute papers and other resources to the meeting.

MSc Gustavo Braier, a forest economist, reported on Argentina’s new forest initiatives to improve dialog among stakeholders, such as professionals, forest owners and managers, non-governmental organizations, and scientists, through several fora.

3. Country Experiences with Criteria and Indicators.

Countries shared briefly their progress and achievements in 2007 related to criteria and indicators. Countries’ experiences and highlights are attached as Annex C. The opportunity to share and learn from other countries experiences was recognized as a major benefit of meeting together. The Working Group members agreed to add sharing experiences as a regular agenda item for future Working Group meetings.

4. Revised Technical Notes for Criteria 1-6.

Technical Advisory Committee Convener Dr. Tim Payn, introduced a report on a proposed set of revised Technical Notes for Criteria 1-6, which included rationale statements and approaches to measurement for the indicators agreed in Sapporo, Japan in July 2006. The Working Group reviewed and discussed the revised technical notes for Criteria 1-6, and adopted a final set of technical notes. (See Annex D).

The Working Group expressed its appreciation to China for hosting the 10th Technical Advisory Committee meeting (Beijing, China - July 2007), as well as to Dr. Payn, along with the Technical Advisory Committee members, for their hard work and outstanding contribution.

5. Montreal Process Strategic Action Plan.

Simon Bridge (Canada) introduced the draft Strategic Action Plan, which a subgroup of countries (Argentina, Australia, Chile, China, Japan, New Zealand, and United States of America) had developed following the 17th Working Group meeting in Sapporo, Japan.

The Working Group reviewed and discussed the draft Strategic Action Plan and adopted the framework and basis for a Strategic Action Plan for the Montreal Process (See Annex E) to guide and focus the work of the Montreal Process for the period 2009-2015 under five strategic directions:

  1. Enhance the relevance and use of the Montreal Process Criteriaand Indicators for policy-makers, practitioners and others;
  2. Strengthen member country capacity to monitor, assess, and report on forest trends and progress toward sustainable forest management using the Montreal Process Criteria and Indicators;
  3. Enhance collaboration and cooperation with forest-related regional and international organizations and instruments, and other criteria and indicators processes;
  4. Enhance communication on the value of criteria and indicators and the accomplishments of the Montreal Process; and
  5. Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the Montreal Process Working Group and its Technical Advisory Committee and its Liaison Office.

The Working Group endorsed the five strategic directions and the associated descriptions, and requested Canada to continue to lead the work, as the subgroup chair, on contextual sections of the Strategic Action Plan, such as introduction, added values and conclusion, and the Implementation Plan for 2009 and 2010.

The following schedule was agreed:

  1. an initial draft of the contextual sections and the Implementation Plan of the Strategic Action Plan will be circulated by the subgroup chair to all Working Group members for review and comments by March 1, 2008; and
  2. a final draft will be circulated by the subgroup chair to all Montreal Process Working Group members no later than 30 days before the 19th Working Group meeting for final approval at that meeting.

The Implementation Plan will be reviewed and revised, as needed, at each Working Group meeting.

The Working Group expressed its appreciation to Canada and Simon Bridge for their hard work and outstanding contribution.

6. Criterion 7.

Sub-group Chair Hiro Miyazono (Japan), introduced the draft revised Criterion 7 indicators developed after an intersessional meeting in October 2006. The Working Group reviewed and agreed to a process to finalize the revised Criterion 7 indicators as follows:

  1. A small group (Japan-Liaison Office, New Zealand-Technical Advisory Committee, Australia, Argentina, USA, Canada) led by Australia, will work intersessionally to develop a revised draft Criterion 7 document to be circulated to all Working Group members by March 15, 2008. It will work primarily by e-mail / telephone conference calls.
  2. Working Group members will review and provide comments electronically to Australia on the draft Criterion 7 document by April 15, 2008.
  3. The small group will revise the draft Criterion 7 document based on comments received and provide them to the Technical Advisory Committee by May 15, 2008.
  4. The Technical Advisory Committee will develop rationale statements and approaches to measurement for the Criterion 7 indicators, using the same format used in as Criteria 1-6, and with no change to indicator language. The Liaison Office will circulate the draft Criterion 7 document to Working Group members no later than 30 days before the 19th Working Group meeting for final approval at that meeting.

The Working Group expressed its appreciation to subgroup Chair Hiro Miyazono for his leadership and dedication to the intersessional work, and to the United States for hosting the meeting.

7. 3rd Edition of the Montreal Process Criteria & Indicator Booklet.

Stephanie Caswell (USA) introduced the draft revisions and updates for the 3rd edition of the Montreal Process Criteria and Indicators which was adopted by the Working Group (See Annex F). The Working Group recommended a web based publication for 3rdEdition with existing Criterion 7 indicators and a published 4th Edition with new Criterion 7 indicators ready for World Forestry Congress. The United States, in cooperation with the Liaison Office, will lead the effort in producing both booklets in English, including a template for translation into other Montreal Process languages.

8. 2009 Overview Report.

The Working Group agreed that the Technical Advisory Committee will develop a format, desired content, and specific steps to produce the Montreal Process 2009 Overview Report for consideration and approval at the 19th Working Group Meeting.

9. Cooperation Among MP Countries.

The Working Group welcomed a presentation by Iaconis Ariana (Argentina’s Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia Pescay Alimentos) on her 7-week course of study in Japan on “Criteria & Indicators and Forest Certification”. The Working Group also welcomed the new cooperative project between Argentina and New Zealand on adaptation of forests to climate change, which is an outgrowth of relationships developed through the Montreal Process.

10. Liaison Office.

The Working Group welcomed the successful transition of the Liaison Office from Canada to Japan in January 2007 and the appointment of the new Liaison Officer, Mr.Yuuichi Sato.

The Working Group requested the Liaison Office to develop a calendar of international events and distribute to member countries to enhance reporting on Montreal Process activities.

11. 11th Technical Advisory Committee Meeting.

The Working Group welcomed the offer by Russia to explore the opportunities for hosting the 11th Technical Advisory Committee meeting in August, 2008. At this meeting, the Technical Advisory Committee will:

  1. Develop a format and desired content and the specific steps to produce the 2009 Overview Report; and
  2. Develop draft technical notes for Criterion 7.

12. 19th Working Group Meeting.

The Working Group welcomed the offer by Russia to explore the opportunities for hosting the Montreal Process Working Group 19 meeting in late September / early October 2008. At this meeting, the Working Group will:

  1. Consider the adoption of the Strategic Action Plan Contextual sections (A, B, and D) and Implementation Annex to the Strategic Action Plan;
  2. Consider the adoption of the new Criterion 7 indicators with rationale statements and approaches to measurement;
  3. Finalize preparations for Montreal Process activities at the World Forestry Congress XIII;
  4. Finalize the format, content, and the specific steps to produce the 2009 Overview Report; and
  5. Conduct other business as needed.

Expression of Thanks

The meeting expressed its deep appreciation to the chair of the Working Group, Dr. Tomas Schlichter, and to the people of Buenos Aires and the Government of Argentina, represented especially by the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, the Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Pesca y Alimentos, and the Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable for their hospitality in co-hosting the 18th meeting of the Montreal Process Working Group.